The children at St John the Evangelist are wonderful writers and readers. We pride ourselves on the quality of our teaching and the enthusiasm of our children.
We follow the National Curriculum in England and use the 'Programmes of Study' to plan and teach to meet the needs of our children.
English National Curriculum Programmes of Study
Please click on the link below to view our curriculum statements for the teaching and learning of reading and writing at our school.
Curriculum statement for the teaching and learning of Reading 2022-2023
Curriculum statement for the teaching and learning of Writing 2022-2023
Please click below to view our 'Reading on a Page', reading long term plans, reading texts and skills progression document for this year.
St John the Evangelist Reading Curriculum on a Page
Reading Skills Progression 2022-23
Reading Texts 2022-23
Please click on the link below to view how reading is taught in EYFS
Please click on the reading gems icon below to view examples of question stems.
Green Reading
Our Green Reading scheme is introduced in Reception Class and continues throughout school, to encourage further reading practise and reading for pleasure at home. Our aim is for children to read and talk about their books and read independently every day. We understand the importance of parents and carers in supporting their children to develop both word reading and comprehension skills.
We ask that each day a child reads, their parent/carer signs in the comment box.
Each Monday, we will see if each child is a green reader (by having read on at least four days in the previous week.) At the end of each half term, there will be a reward for children who have managed to be a green reader every week.
Our Library
We are lucky to have an extensive library in school, including a story sack library for our younger children. The children are encouraged to regularly visit and borrow books from our library. We have librarians in Year Five and Six who are on hand to provide recommendations and also organise our ever-growing shelves!
Please click on the links to view our 'Writing on a page' document and also our current writing long term plans.
St John the Evangelist Writing Curriculum on a Page
Y2 Writing Long Term Plan
Y3 Writing Long Term Plan
Y4 Writing Long Term Plan
Y5 Writing Long Term Plan
Y6 Writing Long Term Plan
Please click on the link below to view how writing is taught in EYFS
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling
We follow the English National Curriculum 'Programmes of Study' and have produced a document which outlines the progression of skills in each year group. Children are then able to apply these skills into their writing in English and other areas of the curriculum.
St John the Evangelist Knowledge and Skills Progression Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling
Spelling Shed is also used to enhance our teaching and learning. All children have their own login details which they can access at home and in school.
From Reception and throughout Key Stage 1, we teach children to form their letters during daily phonics and also throughout their writing journey. When children are developmentally ready, we introduce entry and exit flicks to prepare them for writing using a cursive script.
From Key Stage 2, joined handwriting should be the norm; pupils should be able to use it fast enough to keep pace with what they want to say. Where necessary, swift handwriting interventions are put in place to ensure that children feel confident and do not see handwriting as a barrier to their writing.
The Letter-join cursive Handwriting Scheme is used both in school and at home. Please click on the logo below to go to the Letter-join website