St John the Evangelist Catholic Primary School

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Internet Safety

Image result for esafety

Keeping St John’s E-safe!

Both in school and at home it is important that we stay safe!

During each computing lesson, we discuss the need to stay safe online and how we go about achieving this. 


Take a look at theThink You Know website, get advice and learn how you can be safer using technology and on the internet.

Click on the blue picture if you are in KS1:


Click on the yellow picture if you are in KS2:


Visit the BBC Website for 8 top tips for staying safe online:

A boy having fun  on a laptop


Please find below links to documents giving advice to parents on internet safety for various games consoles, including how to set up parental controls.  Click on the link to open the PDF document.

Parental Guidance - Nintendo 3DS

Parental Guidance - Wii U

Parental Guidance - Xbox Family

Parental Guidance - Playstation

Parental Guidance - Xbox 360

Parental Guidance - Apple

Parental Guidance - Nintendo Switch

Parental Guidance - Xbox One

You may also find the following links useful: 

How to turn on restrictions:

Monitoring screen time: